Thursday, February 14, 2008

Michelle + Henry: Biltmore Hotel Wedding Coral Gables

What can I say about Michelle and Henry's wedding at the beautiful Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables but that it was one of the most tender, emotional weddings I have ever been to. Dad and Michelle at home sharing a little love! Getting ready is a part of any wedding that the guests don't get to see but is one of my favorite times at a wedding. There are many wonderful, joyous tender moments with the bridesmaids...Mom and Dad. I get a big high watching a loving couple get married...the smile and look that Henry is sharing with Michelle... Reflected back in the face of a beautiful bride!
When I mentioned "emotional" weddings...I wasn't kidding. An awesome portrait in the festive lobby of the Biltmore Hotel.
Attention to detail as always... I can't say enough about Ana Paz and these incredible cakes that she creates! They taste great too... Did I say emotional? :-) For there firsat dance...they were serenaded by "mariachis". Another great Dad and daughter moment... An awesome fiesta... and a lotta love for and between these two!
Thank you for many wonderful moments!

To see Michelle + Henry's Slideshow: Michelle + Henry's South Florida Wedding!

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